Ralp Caspers hosting a social media tutorial video for German Telekom

explains the right behaviour for corporate staff when using social media. The dos and don´ts with a smile on his lips and some funny ideas. Web-TV that catches the audience and leads to the required learning success.

"Telekom-social media" - Ralph Caspers hosted a  Web-TV show

The well known star from the ARD/WDR show "Knowledge makes AH!" invited 200.000

Telekom employees worldwide. In his online training videos about netiquette rules he

Ralph Caspers in Telekom Web Video about social media nettiquete

Flankenwechsel (flank change)- Webportal  for Online Gamer, who want to be football manager.


Exceptional shots with a football team during night time with heavy rain done in slow-motion. The challenge of sport became a challenge for crew and cams.

Great Web-TV for small companies. Let viral Videos work for you.


We have Web-TV concepts, tools and service that will help your business idea lift off the ground. Like this one for a  medical office specialized in "Traditional Chinese Medicine". Bring in your idea  and let us see how the viral videos could work for you with exact the budget you have.

Budha statue wood
A mixture of TCM Herbs



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