The "Kommunalverband Ruhrgebiet / KVR" (Municipal association of the Ruhr region) re-designed house Ripshorst in Oberhausen. An old farmhouse became a modern information centre about "Emscher Landscape Park" (ELP). All multimedia content like videos, interactive program and hardware was designed and produced by Bellacoola. The architect Prof. Dr. Hermann Hofstadt was in charge as general contractor and has developed the whole project.
Under consideration of the original architecture the farm´s old barn was reconstructed completely. Inside a diverse information offer is given to the visitor about the park. Various user interfaces and contents stimulate the audience to find out what is useful, interesting and entertaining for them.
This space should also be used in a multifunctional way - as an exhibition and event room with stage. Therefore all exhibition objects were mounted on rolls and are easily mobile. During bigger events they can be rolled and stored in the neighboring space.
A symbolical construction site fence remembers us, that the whole ELP project needs decades of planing and building, much more than a normal house construction. The visitor looks through the holes in the fence and at the same time they look into the future, which is visualized with infoterminals. Behind the fence is also the stage area which can is used as an other exhibition level or performance stage during events.
At the oversized map of ELP a lot of "Point of Interest" can be found. Just press an interest button and the LED light shows the place on the map. The surrounding multimedia terminals offer a lot of possibilities to the visitors to deepen their knowledge or just to play around and learn something interesting new. This helps especially bicycle and hiking tourist to find new ideas for their tours.
Interactive map shows point of interest and overview of ELP.
Beside all digital media the walls are used for "analogue" poster.